Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Evil Outside !

You may often receive an e-mail from a fellow muslim, or you may still receive it, if you're not a muslim, it usually starts like "Fellow muslims beware of the evil "west"/"Americans".....etc. "and it goes as follows:

1. they are trying to use pork/mice/dead animals/roaches/butterflies/genies/dwarfs/orcs in the meat they sell through their fast food places in the arab countries

2. they are using pork fat in the chewing gum they sell to us

3. that type of beverage has a hidden percent of alcohol

4. they have put drugs that will get us addicted to their food in their food

5. they have built a computer store in the shape of the Ka'ba' to mock us and have built some bars in their that serve liquor

6. they have taken pictures of the globe using their advanced satellite spying technology and meccah and medinah appear like two shinning spots in the middle of the darkness but the lost ones still fail to recognize

7. this tree/chocolate cake/fish/fruit/baby was found with islamic writings on him which seemed totally amazing and the lost ones fail to recognize, maybe they will be able later on to recognize such miracles and understand

8. A superstar who has converted to islam after having some sort of miracle and they put an obviously fake picture of the star in some islamic ritual or just a normal picture

9. That was a real piss off, i wanted to send a kick email to the sender and it went like this: Science has submitted to the lady with the face veil- and the story is about a lady doctor who has made research and went to a conference and spoke about her research amongst men, so i have no idea what this proves, but it was really frustrating for me to read that the writer feels she has proven that she still has a brain despite her face veil and that all men admired her courage to speak in such a conference


I'd like to say first off, that i'm a muslim myself and proud to be this way, but i feel that such e-mails are a blatant ignorant perspective of the western world. The west doesn't care about stuffing pigs in our food or alcohol in our drinks, why would they when it's extra cost for them, and if they feel it is ok to drink and eat pork, then giving it to us is justing adding up to the costs of whatever they send us, which is ridiculous, i just feel that people should chill and stop such pointless propaganda, no one is after our faith, and even if their was, that's no the way to deal with it.

Some of the emails seek to prove that miracles happened to validate or re-validate faith, which to me is ridiculous because it actually shows weak faith which requires validation by materialistic proof, or the conversion of some celebrity to islam.

Please! Please! Please! stop giving the wrong impressions and notions about islam by communicating in its regard with such pompous ignorance! .... sometimes the authors of such emails include actually news articles to verify their stories, but it proves that they have poor language skills nothing more, like the story about the Kaa'ba where they say there's a bar inside that serves alcohol, they got the bar bit right but it's an I-POD Bar!


mitar2a3 said...

u r 100% right! but who listens?

GlimmerMan said...

Well said .. very well said ..

kimo said...

I agree with a very word it is kind of obssession that the western world is fighting us with this naive way and the issue of faith vailidation is the a major crisis and it reflects how shollow and superficial faith became in our commuinty it is all about clothes food veil sex no true faith.

morilandia said...

encontre tu blog por casualidad

espero que visites el mio
